Oct 01, 2015
Pope Francis recently concluded a 10-day tour de force in the United States. He was
met by huge crowds in spite of massive security efforts and followed on television no
doubt by tens of millions of others who couldn’t see him in person. Almost every
aspect of his visit was a testament to his vision of Catholic values, from his choice of
vehicle to his outreach to inmates, those with disabilities and others. His
impromptu speech and the testimonials at the Vatican-sponsored World Meeting of
Families was a veritable checklist of values and aspirations. Catholics transfixed by
the Pope Francis and his visit can integrate many of these values and aspirations
into their estate plan.
Religious issues are too often overlooked in the estate-planning process. For the
nearly 70 million Catholics living in America, about one in every five Americans, this
is unfortunate and unnecessary. For many clients, their Catholic religious issues are
important, especially when facing a crisis, such as a terminal illness or the
impending loss of a loved one. What can be done to infuse legal documents and
planning with these values?
Read his commentary here.
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