Shenkman Law

Investment Strategies After the New Tax Act
What the Clinton Tax Act means for you and what you can do about it. Confused about the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993? Wondering whether the new tax rates, business credits, itemized deductions, capital gains, and passive loss laws will torpedo your return?.Worried about the bill’s impact on your investment, business, and personal financial plans?.Well, you’ve come to the right place. Now leading tax attorney and celebrated business author Martin Shenkman offers you clear, practical guidance to coping with one of the most sweeping sets of tax changes. Packed with lucid explanations, examples and planning tips that illustrate key points, ready-to-use tax-reduction strategies, sound financial planning advice, and much more, this indispensable guide covers all the bases. Expert advice on a range of business, investment, and personal finance issues affected by the new law. buying and selling your business * buying and selling your investment assets * estate planning * divorce * planning your investment strategy * maximizing capital gains * squeezing the most out of depreciation deductions * updating your estate planning strategies * and much more Complete, authoritative coverage of the tax bill, change by change, including. * business tax credits * Social Security taxation * tax rates * itemized deductions * alternative minimum tax changes * enterprise zones * payroll taxes *Medicaid eligibility * capital gains * reporting provisions * passive loss * depreciation rules Savvy guidance for specific taxpayers, such as. investors * high-income taxpayers * business owners *retirees *real estate investors * entrepreneurs * corporations * senior citizens * charities * executives
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