Trusts are one of the most powerful tools for planning to minimize the risk to assets in a future divorce. However, in order to achieve optimal results for clients, trusts must be drafted and administered in a manner that provides protection. Traditional trust drafting often falls far short of providing the safeguards clients want. What provisions should be used in drafting trusts to achieve better results? What trust planning techniques can be used in different client situations to achieve greater protection? This webinar will review common trust provisions and discuss practical planning considerations, modern trust drafting techniques, and present sample language. The program is intended to be suitable for both estate planners, matrimonial attorneys, financial advisers, and allied professionals familiar with trust planning. Topics to be discussed include: DAPTs, hybrid DAPTs, SLATs, BDITs, spendthrift clauses, discretionary versus support trusts, long term trusts versus payouts at specified ages, trust ownership of personal use assets, uses and planning implications of trust protectors, investment trustees and directed trusts, floating spouse clauses, and more. No continuing education credits will be provided.