Shenkman Law
Free Webinar Materials: SECURE Act and CRTs, BDITs and QSSTs: Good Opportunities for Some Clients
Course Description:
The Secure Act changed how many clients should plan for and name beneficiaries of retirement assets. This webinar will set the foundation of why tax free compounding over a long period of time is so critical to maximizing wealth and how those concepts apply to IRAs and retirement plans, how the Secure Act changed the planning environment, and what creative techniques planners might consider. The use of Charitable Remainder Trusts (“CRTs”) as beneficiaries, Beneficiary Defective Irrevocable Trusts (“BDITs”) and Qualified Subchapter S Corporations (“QSSTs”) might all be named as beneficiaries. How do these techniques work? What issues and concerns does each raise? What benefits might they afford? This 90-minute webinar will help practitioners add new planning techniques to their IRA planning tool kits.
To view presentation slides- one slide per page click here.
To view presentation slides- three slides per page click here.
Speakers: Richard Fox, Esq., Jonathan G. Blattmachr, Esq., Matthew Blattmachr, and Martin Shenkman, Esq.
Contributors to the materials: Jonathan G. Blattmachr, Matthew D. Blattmachr, F. Ladson Boyle, Richard Fox, Mitchell M. Gans, Martin M. Shenkman & Diana S.C. Zeydel.
Sponsor: Interactive Legal and Peak Trust Company
*There are no professional advancement credits (CPE, CLE, etc.) offered for viewing this webinar.
*This may constitute attorney advertising.
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