SLATs Tailored to Serve Clients Worth $1-10M
March 5, 2024
The use of Spousal Lifetime Access Trusts (SLATs) is a common planning tool for the wealthy to plan to use exemption before the end of 2025. However, this planning can be adapted to be practical, and beneficial, for mass affluent clients with wealth under $10 million and as little as several million dollars. What factors should they consider? How can practitioners guide them? Asset protection, income tax, and management control are all benefits of this type of planning, regardless of any estate tax benefits. Irrevocable trust planning can provide an increase in income tax basis with the use of upstream planning. There is no reason that with some creativity and some drafting/administration steps SLAT planning cannot be beneficial and cost-effective for clients who are not so wealthy as to face an estate tax. The “SLATs” that practitioners use in asset protection and other planning goals today can and should often be a more robust and enhanced version of what some practitioners have used in recent years. This program will provide actionable steps for clients. Speakers: Martin Shenkman, Esq. *There are no professional advancement credits (CPE, CLE, etc.) offered for viewing this webinar. *This may constitute attorney advertising.