Safe Powers of Attorney

April 9th, 2020 Jul 30, 2015 Martin M. Shenkman  Powers of attorney (POAs) are one of the most basic and important estate planning documents. Even most nonprofessionals are well aware of what […]

Unitrusts To the Rescue

April 9th, 2020 Jul 01, 2015 Martin M. Shenkman  Sometimes, it can be incredibly useful to have another arrow in your planning quiver. Consider the following: • A trust is set up […]

Ensure Grantor Understands Trust Roles

April 9th, 2020 Feb 02, 2015 Martin M. Shenkman  Often, as estate-planning attorneys, we create irrevocable trusts for our clients. But our job shouldn’t end there. We need to make sure our […]